Friday 5 February 2021

Dual boot system directly booting into windows

 I suddenly booted my system into windows after ages and after restarting I was not able to see the grub loader option, so I was not able to select UBUNTU my favorite choice of operating system. It was directly login into windows os

But Thankfully I could resolve it using the following.

  1.  Search for advanced start up option.
  2. Click on restart now in next menu.
  3. In the following menu click on trouble shoot.
  4. Click on advance option.
  5. Restart the computer.
  6. System will now boot into BIOS. 
  7. Go to Boot order section using arrow keys
  8. Change the order by enter and drag
  9. press f10 to accept the changes.
  10. then escape.


This can also be done by pressing f10 while booting and directly go to BIOS. choose the boot order preference.

Friday 22 May 2020

Recepie- Aam Chatani

So finally I prepared Mithfakiya, a sweet mango pickle made in my home.

Mango :100 GMs
Jaggery:150 gm
Methi: 1 tea spoon
Saunf: 2 tsp
Rai:3 tsp
Aajwaien:1/2 tsp
Mitch, salt.
 Cut mango in small pieces, add jaggery and very little water and boil it on low flame till mango pieces changes the colour .Roast methi and saunf separately , add rest of the masala and grind it. Now add the masala , salt and Mirch . Tasty Mithfakiya is ready to serve .

Tuesday 10 December 2019

How to add citation style in Microsoft Office using wine

I am an amid ubuntu lover, so I am reluctant to switch to any other OS till I can manage. This time I needed microsoft office for a better documentation. I have already shared in my previous posts how to use it on UBUNTU. This time I wanted to add IEEE citation style, so I simply followed the following steps on my machine.

  • Download IEEE citation style
  • Unzip and copy the XSL file in the following path
    • /home/surabhi/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Office2007/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/Bibliography/Style
  • You are done :)

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Enable dictionary in Texmaker

I started using latex very recently, to write a research paper. While working on latex using TexMaker I felt the need for spellchecker, so I tried the following steps for the same.

1. Get the dictionary file en_US.oxt from Open Office
2. Rename the file to
3. Unzip it.
4.  Give path of en_US.dic to ,  Texmaker >Options > Configure Texmaker > Editor > Spelling dictionary to select en_US.dic as your preferred spelling dictionary.



Sunday 7 May 2017

Add new citation styles to Microsoft Office installed on Ubuntu via Play on Linux

I wanted add some more citation style on MS office, installed on UBUNTU via Play on Linux. I followed the following steps

  1. I downloaded the more citation sources  from
  2. I searched for PlayOnLinux's virtual drives on my Ubuntu system
  3. Then I copied the unzipped style to PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/Office2007/drive_c/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Office12/Bibliography/Style

Now I can see many more citations.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Restore the missing date Unity panel -UBUNTU

After reaching to office when I started the system in morning, time and date was not getting displayed.
The following command solved the problem for me.

  • Restart unity
    • sudo killall unity-panel-service

Resolve pg_dump version mismatch

I was getting an error of "pg_dump: server version: 9.4.7; pg_dump version: 9.3.9 ubuntu" while taking backup from server to my machine. I rectified the error using the following steps

  1. Check the version of psql and pg_dump
    1. pg_dump --version
    2. psql --version
  2. Install postgresql version 9.4
    1. cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    2.  sudo vi pgdg.list
      1. Add the following line
        1. deb trusty-pgdg main
    3.   wget --quiet -O - \ |  sudo apt-key add -
    4.   sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4
    5.  sudo apt-get install pgadmin3
    6. sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  3.  sudo rm /usr/bin/pg_dump
  4. sudo ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.4/bin/pg_dump /usr/bin/pg_dump

